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Cloud vs DevOps: What to know for your next career move

The need for cloud engineers has grown as a result of the anticipated expansion of worldwide cloud services. The wage range for a cloud engineer is between $140k and $250k, according to one poll. However, according to research, a cloud engineer’s average annual income in India is Rs 7,51,756.

This is especially important for companies transitioning from startup to scale. One of the IT analyst corporations reports that simply using the Cloud or DevOps accelerates software delivery by more than 50%. Here in this blog of DevOps Engineer vs Cloud Engineer, we are going to clear all your confusion, for those who want to have their career as a DevOps or Cloud Engineer. Cloud Engineers often opt for certifications like AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect, or Azure Solutions Architect. These certifications demonstrate their expertise in designing and managing cloud infrastructures. Two professions have gained tremendous traction in recent years – DevOps Engineer and Cloud Engineer.

Platform Engineering vs. Software Engineering

DevOps Engineers use a variety of tools and technologies like Terraform for infrastructure as code, Jenkins or Travis CI for CI/CD, and Docker for containerization. These tools help them automate and streamline the development and deployment processes. The way companies work has changed a lot because of this technological revolution. Traditional businesses that used to have stores are now digital-first, and even new businesses start out online. Today’s market makes it necessary to digitize processes, products, and services in order to stay in business. So, there is a huge need for IT professionals who can help businesses succeed in the digital age and adapt to the changing environment.

  • In this role, the resource prepares architectures and platforms which would cater to diverse customer needs and their specific requirements.
  • As you can see, there’s a strong overlap with how some would define a DevOps engineer.
  • Platform engineers not only ensure these systems operate seamlessly but also build protective measures into the underlying framework.

DevOps personnel need to know how to do both, plus a little bit of automation and orchestration. While both these fields have a lot of overlaps, there are small differences that can go a long way in defining your career path. According to Gartner’s Research Vice President Sid Nag, “Cloud is the powerhouse that drives today’s digital organizations.”

What is a DevOps Certification?

A cloud engineer has numerous core competencies, like deploying and managing cloud infrastructure, working on cloud services, and optimizing security and performance. DevOps engineers have their core competencies in automating development and deployment processes, ensuring collaboration, automating CI/CD pipelines, and many others. Both DevOps and cloud engineers share the same goal of working towards continuous improvement of the cloud applications and services they offer.

  • Further, it is suggested to have experience of three or more years with more than one year of experience in managing solutions on Google Cloud.
  • As a DevOps engineer, you are responsible for releasing incremental improvements to the code base frequently.
  • Let’s take a closer look at the technical responsibilities of cloud vs. DevOps engineers to understand the difference better.
  • An interaction across teams is required to build the solution, including the platform on Cloud.

For example, if the whole country has switched to a remote service and started watching more videos, the cloud engineer’s task is to scale the service in time so that the platform works without failures. Moreover, this specialist can create, refine, and more often integrate cloud solutions into the business. As the functionality of the cloud has grown, some organizations have created dedicated roles for cloud engineers. Again, although there are no hard and fast rules, cloud engineers are typically focused on deploying and managing cloud infrastructure and know how to build environments for cloud-native apps. Depending on the degree of overlap with DevOps engineer responsibilities, they may also be fluent in Terraform, Kubernetes, etc. Although DevOps engineers are more involved in the automation of processes, cloud engineers also emphasize automation to boost overall efficiency and provide structural scalability.

Platform Engineer

Both have their own importance in any organization, and as the interest in the cloud only increases, there are plenty of opportunities in both areas. That said, it’s actually hard to find a DevOps engineering role that doesn’t use some kind of cloud-based technology. Cost savings have led the IT assets, especially compute Infrastructure migration to Cloud. Accompanied by this move, there have been buffet of new roles which have pretty promising future in Cloud Computing.

Cloud Engineers need a deep understanding of cloud platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure, GCP), networking, security, and infrastructure as code (IaC) tools. Whereas, DevOps Engineers require expertise in CI/CD pipelines, version control systems, configuration management tools, containerization, and scripting languages. In turn, the area of responsibility of the cloud engineer is more limited to cloud platforms and everything related to them. They deal with the platform’s operation, ensure fault tolerance, and help develop infrastructure.

Certificate Program in Financial Analysis, Valuation and Risk Management

A cloud engineer is a software professional who specializes in developing, designing, and managing cloud infrastructure and applications based on it. Cloud engineers cultivate a deep understanding of cloud computing technologies, network infrastructure, and software development for developing cloud systems. A cloud engineer is responsible for building and managing cloud infrastructure, as well as ensuring the scalability, availability, and performance of cloud-based applications. They work closely with developers, operations teams, and other stakeholders to design and implement cloud solutions that meet the needs of the business. The roles of cloud DevOps engineer and cloud engineer have some key differences.

DevOps RoadMap 2024: How to Become a DevOps Engineer by … – Medium

DevOps RoadMap 2024: How to Become a DevOps Engineer by ….

Posted: Sun, 05 Nov 2023 21:01:14 GMT [source]

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